Not that anybody cares, but aliens and religion are not all that different. I have a writing that explains the similarities between the two institutional bodies, and how no matter what perspective we have, the truth is being seen that mankind is being destroyed on an everyday basis. I have not yet questioned if it has to be this way, but if the question were to come up, my answer is probably in my writing.
So once I polish the post on this subject, it will be up and ready to be seen. Random contexts also refers to the idea that depending in what context I find my thoughts, certain perspectives will follow. So if my thoughts are in the context of Derrida, my writing will be about Derrida or what he has written. If my thoughts are in the context of some social problem, then my writing will be about problems in society. I won't be always speaking on my thoughts of Derrida's writing that I have already blogged on my other site. Random contexts is more for my apologetic side; that I know these ideas are rough on the cranium and I'd like to help reduce the pressure with more information about how to view what I have written and continue to write.
That's all for now. I will keep updating as best I can.
Thanks for reading.
Nae 2Real
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